Research has shown that hypnosis can help relieve stress, fear, and anxiety. It can also be used to help in coping with the symptoms of panic disorder. … For example, once the hypnotist has helped the client become relaxed, he may ask the person to focus on their panic attacks.

Exercise and other physical activity produce endorphins — chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers — and also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress. About five minutes of aerobic exercise can begin to stimulate anti-anxiety effects

Researchers have studied whether hypnosis can treat a variety of medical conditions, from irritable bowel syndrome to anxiety and depression. … In the case of depressionhypnotherapy sessions may be focused on helping a person achieve a state of relaxation.

It can improve the success of other treatments for several conditions such as: Phobias, fears, and anxiety. Sleep disorders. Depression.

Hypnosis can be used for stress management in two ways. First, you can use hypnosis to get into a deeply relaxed state, fighting tension and triggering your relaxation response. This will help to prevent health problems due to chronic stress.


Absolutely! Thousands of men and women have achieved their desired weight and size using our methods and programs.

We offer a variety of different weight loss programs that meet your various needs and budget. We work with you to come up with a plan that is right for you and your finances.

Generally 4-8 sessions are required to achieve weight loss. The amount of sessions vary depending on the desired outcome and the attitude and behaviour of the individual. We offer a service guarantee. If you do not achieve your desired outcome at the end of your program, we will continue to give you free sessions once a month until you are satisfied.

Hypnosis can be for anyone that is motivated to make a change in their lifestyle and thought patterns. We have a wide range of clients that we serve ranging from 9-90 years old. We provide a free hypnotic screening and we will tell you honestly if hypnosis is right for you.

Hypnosis can get to the root cause of your behaviour and input new healthier ways to meet your needs. We will teach you tips and tricks to anchor a full and satisfied feeling and show you how to listen to your body and a new way.

During hypnosis you will feel calm and extremely relaxed. Some people report feeling like they had a day at the spa. Other people claim they feel a burst of energy after their hypnosis sessions, while some may feel fatigue. There is no right or wrong way to feel.

In the 90s and analysis of hypnosis weight loss research found that subjects who used hypnosis lost more than twice as much weight as those who didn’t. A 2014 study found that women who used hypnosis for weight loss not only lost weight but improved their BMI, eating behavior, and improved their body image..


Hypnosis can be an effective tool for helping you quit smoking with quit rates that easily beat more traditional methods. Like any smoke cessation program, you have to want the results.

Psychology sometimes refers hypnosis as hypnotherapy that has been used for many purposes like the management plus reduction of pain and beneficial treatment to reduce or eliminate bad habits such as smoking. Usually Hypnosis is conducted by a trained hypnotist that utilizes verbal repetition plus visualization to create a hypnotic state.

Hypnosis was highly effective; after 6 sessions 93 percent of participants, while the psychoanalysis group had just a 38 percent recovery rate. Similarly several other studies have found evidence that hypnosis is a useful treatment for smoking cessation.

The short answer is yes. Some compelling research has found that hypnosis can be an effective tool for helping you quit – with quit rates that easily beat more traditional methods. Yet, the consensus seems to be that, like with any smoking cessation program, you have to want the results.

At Kawartha Hypnosis we have flexible comprehensive programs to quit smoking. We will work with you to develop the program that meets your needs and budget. If your desire is to stop smoking we want to help. We won’t let finances be the thing that holds you back.

We offer locations downtown Peterborough and then the centre of Fenelon Falls. Visit either of our locations or request for online programs. We will bring our sessions to you in the comfort of your home. We are familiar with many online platforms like Zoom, Skype or FaceTime and will use the platform that feels comfortable to you.

1/3 of our clients quit smoking in the first session, 1/3 quit after the second session, and 1/3 need three sessions. This will vary based on the individual and their ability to follow directions.


Hypnosis works by allowing us to alter our unconscious thought processes to help us achieve specific goals. Here’s an example: Suppose you want to use hypnosis for weight loss. Your subconscious mind has many beliefs about losing weight. Simply stated, hypnosis empowers you to change your unconscious thoughts.

Psychology sometimes refers hypnosis as hypnotherapy that has been used for many purposes like the management plus reduction of pain and beneficial treatment to reduce or eliminate bad habits such as smoking. Usually Hypnosis is conducted by a trained hypnotist that utilizes verbal repetition plus visualization to create a hypnotic state.

Most often people get hypnosis to alter their state of mind or to achieve a desired change on an autonomic level. Many of our Weight Loss clients know how to lose weight, they just don’t know what is stopping them from taking action on it. Hypnosis is also used as a tool for self discovery and new programming to have their desired lifestyle. 

The study found that hypnotherapy takes an average of just six hypnotherapy sessions to make long-lasting change, while psychoanalysis takes 600. Plus, hypnosis was highly effective; after 6 sessions 93 percent of participants, while the psychoanalysis group had just a 38 percent recovery rate.

During hypnosis you will feel calm and extremely relaxed. Some people report feeling like they had a day at the spa. Other people claim they feel a burst of energy after their hypnosis sessions, while some may feel fatigue. There is no right or wrong way to feel.

During a hypnotic state the link between the body and the brain is boosted, allowing the brain to have better control and process what’s happening in the body. Researchers found less connectivity between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the “default mode network” in subjects found to be highly hypnotisable.